Rachael Cavalli on Bangbros: Rachel Fucks the Handyman

Rachael Cavalli on Bangbros: Rachel Fucks the Handyman
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Sultry temptress, Rachel Cavalli, basked in the soothing embrace of her private pool, her azure eyes never straying from the chiseled form of the dashing handyman, Jay Bangher, whom her husband had procured. It without was not a touch of voyeuristic pleasure that she scrutinised his sinewy muscles contracting and expanding in an enticing dance of sinew and perspiration.

When handsome Jay concluded his day’s arduous labor, he eagerly approached Rachel, ready to finalize their financial exchange. Yet this wily seductress had other plans, her eyes filled with primal longing and desperate need.

“I require a slightly…different kind of service,” she said, her voice silkily weaving a web of implications and loaded undertones.

Jay, taken aback, made an attempt to extricate himself from her carnal proposition, yet was met with a coquettish smirk and a poised threat to accuse him of unparalleled impropriety. With his choices fundamentally limited, they ventured inside the sanctuary of her luxurious abode, their bodies tingling with anticipation.

Inside the Pandora’s Box

Within the tastefully furnished confines of the house, the duo delved into the realms of illicit passion. Jay, wielding his natural endowment with finesse, plunged into the depths of her big tit charms, forcing guttural moans and cries to echo through the spacious halls.

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